About Us

"Revolutionize your fitness equipment shopping experience with Keep Fit Fitness Store, the all-in-one destination for high-quality gear, accessories, and more. We have real-time availability updates, and hassle-free order tracking. Get the latest products, expert advice, and seamless shopping in one place, only with Keep Fit Fitness Store".

A bit about us

We are a small business based in London, England. We use fulfilment centres and have multiple suppliers worldwide who maintain our reputation and provide an efficient service. We strive to provide excellent customer service, expert advice and quality products.

Key Mission

Here at the Keep Fit Fitness Store we live, love, breath, bleed and sweat good health and fitness. Our key mission is to help you reach your fitness goals wether it be from equipment which transform your body or clothing that represents you we are here for your needs. Dr. Justin Thompson , a board-certified sports medicine physician with Bayfront Health St said "While gyms provide dedicated space, home workouts offer more flexibility. Using your time and equipment to maximize efficiency is the key to a great workout. Choose what works best for your lifestyle and fitness goals.

True Story

Our Journey is fuelled with passion for good health and well being. Personally suffering from depression and anxiety for a year at the age of 18 was a very challenging time. However taking part in activities such as yoga, pilates, and various fitness classes believe were key factors in my recovery. This particular event in my life sparked my mind to see if i could help others suffering from the same and this is when Keep Fit Fitness Store was born.


Our intention is to donate some profits to mental health awareness and charities worldwide. We feel a great need to contribute to society and humanity to make the world a better place. So come with us as we embark on our journey into the fitness realms..!


Keep Fit Fitness Store welcomes collaboration with individuals or organisations. We are now offering coupons through wethrift helping you save money. Wethrift is a great website for discounts including retailers such as Uber Eats, Dominos Pizza and many more. Wethrift helps shoppers at over 100,000 online stores. 

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